Client: Impulz77 ltd.
Product: Snek mobile app
Publish date: 2020
Operating systems: Android, iOS

The Maribor based company Impulz77 d.o.o. specialises in restaurant promotion and adveritins activities in the catering business. Alongside media space rental, event organisation and branding, the company’s main focus is digital advertising that plays a key role in the catering business due to the customers’ demographics.

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The option to supply their clients with an app that would go to serve restaurant and bar regulars’ needs to view special offers and receive news before anyone else was a key focus in coming up with the mobile app.

Business goals

  • Reduce targeting through mailing and calls to inform about special
  • Supply the users with special offer and location information of specific bars and restaurants
  • Focusing on the sales
  • New contact acquisition


The very narrow time frame was our main challenge when developing this app. The creation process started as soon as the project team was put together and the basic interface functionalities were outlined. The beta programming for Android started swiftly after that, while the rest of the team defined all further functionalities and perfected the graphic interface

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As soon as the Android beta version was ready, after 1 day of testing (yes, that little, but time was money to the client!), we have gone onto developing the iOS version keeping all instances of the Android developing process in mind. Once all minor issues were taken care of in the iOS version and we were happy with the flow of the app, we have gone back to align both platforms’ versions.


  • Analysis
  • UX design
  • GUI design
  • Android programming
  • iOS programming

Rešitev in rezultat

Within the first few months of the app being live we have gotten proof that no dues would have to be paid to the limited time available for the app creation – because a simple simple graphic interface and recognisable intuitive functionalities were our chosen path of operating. The first week attracted a large number of users that went on to use the offers within the app and are now being targeted directly. Alongside that, the phone call trend is lower as is the need for e-mail marketing.

snek 1   snek 2

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